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                Maternal Health

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Exhibit and Challenge focus on preparing you physically and mentally for pregnancy. This is intended for both people contributing to the pregnancy. You will be challenged to evaluate and improve your lifestyle habits, nutrition, and hydration. You will learn how to be proactive with your medical care and how to minimize exposure to toxins and chemicals. To optimize fertility and prepare yourself for pregnancy, it is best to begin implementing these practices 3-6 months prior to attempting pregnancy.

Three Exhibits and Challenges focus on each Trimester of pregnancy. They are intended for both people contributing to the pregnancy. Challenges encourage you to continue practicing healthy lifestyle and nutrition habits, optimize health, manage health, and minimize environmental exposures to toxins. You will learn about the physical and emotional changes you may experience throughout pregnancy. Participating in this challenge will improve your well-being and that of your unborn child and family.

Exhibit and Challenge focus on the postpartum period after childbirth, often referred to as the fourth trimester. This challenge is intended for both parents. This challenge encourages you to keep all medical appointments for you and your baby, make healthy lifestyle choices, get adequate sleep, pay attention to important relationships, and ask for help from friends and family. You will learn to treat yourself kindly and recognize the symptoms of postpartum depression. Participating in this challenge will improve your well-being as you adjust to parenting your newborn.

Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference!

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