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Thrive Postparum Challenge Support

Click here to access and print the Thrive Postpartum Challenge

Congratulations! You have a new baby. There are many adjustments after the birth of a baby. You will be faced with physical, social, and psychological changes as your attention shifts from pregnancy to the care and feeding of your newborn. During this period, it is important to focus on being kind to yourself and giving your new child the best possible start in life.


Thrive Postpartum Supports:

  • Taking care of your health after birth including managing discomforts and keeping all medical appointments for you and your newborn.

  • A healthy lifestyle including managing stress, gradually increasing your physical activity, getting enough sleep, and carving out time for other important relationships.

  • Optimizing nutritional practices including foods, beverages, and supplements.

  • Creating a plan for your transition back to work if applicable.


During this challenge you will focus on the 4 areas of Medical, Lifestyle, Nutrition, and Back-to-Work at the same time. The Challenge Support material offers an in-depth focus on one of these topics at a time.

During the Challenge you will access resources from the employee well-being portal in the Wellness Initiatives 

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1: Medical


“Pregnancy is a great sacrifice and a wonderful gift. We should celebrate this process and embrace the imperfections.” Tiffany Weber, M.D.

The postpartum period is often referred to as the fourth trimester and is a time of recovery, adaption, and change after birth. The term “postpartum” is intended for every new parent regardless of whether or not you personally experienced the birth.


Learn about:

  • Guidelines for postpartum care for mom and baby

  • Managing common discomforts after childbirth

  • Strategies and tips for successful breastfeeding

  • Recognize the symptoms of postpartum depression

  • Review contraceptive options before you resume sexual activity


Whether or not you have given birth, you will likely be sleep deprived and experiencing the physical realities of taking care of a new baby. There may be physical discomforts, feelings of being overwhelmed, and mood swings.


Breastfeeding is good for both baby and mom but sometimes the “start-up” does not go as smoothly as planned. Lactation consultants are there to suggest options and provide support.

Take a proactive approach to both your and your baby’s wellness by scheduling and keeping all recommended medical appointments. Call the advice nurse or lactation consultant when necessary, and prepare questions before each medical visit whether in-person or virtual. Be aware of your changing body and emotional health. Use your Challenge Sheet to prioritize important actions.

“When you study postpartum depression, there is a very clear understanding that in communities where you see more support, there is less depression.”  Ariel Gore


2: Lifestyle


“Postpartum is a quest back to yourself, alone in your body again. You will never be the same, you are stronger than you were.” Amethyst Joy

Leading a healthy lifestyle as you adjust to life as a parent is key for your health and that of your growing family.


Important Lifestyle Practices in the Postpartum Period Include:


  • Avoiding tobacco, marijuana, and recreational drugs

  • Limiting alcohol consumption and wait 2 hours to breastfeed after consuming an occasional drink

  • Exercise moderately and slowly increase your activity level

  • If you gave birth, perform Kegel exercises

  • Get as much sleep and rest as you can

  • Manage stress and ask others for help

  • Spend time each day nurturing other key relationships: partner, children, others


Take a proactive approach to managing your lifestyle practices during the postpartum period. Give yourself time to adjust and ask for help from family and friends. Be aware of your changing body and emotional health. Use your Challenge Sheet to prioritize important actions.

“I don’t know if I’m bouncing back. I’m slowly crawling back.” Reese Witherspoon


3: Nutrition


“Consume healthy foods and beverages. For you and your baby.” Anonymous


Establishing a healthy and balanced eating pattern is a critical component of your recovery. If you are breastfeeding what you eat and drink are the direct source of nutrition for your newborn.


Tips for Healthy Nutrition and Hydration Postpartum:

  • It is recommended that breastfeeding women consume an additional 450-500 calories per day per baby:

    • Focus on consuming whole foods vs. packaged and processed foods

    • Aim for 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day

    • Aim for 25-30 grams of fiber daily

    • Choose organic produce for the Dirty Dozen

    • Consume high quality protein and avoid fish that are high in mercury

  • Continue taking your prenatal vitamins, 400 mcg of folic acid, and 1000 mg of calcium daily

  • Eat healthy meals and snacks throughout the day to maintain your energy

  • Drink an 8-ounce glass of water every time your infant feeds or 10-12 8-ounce glasses of water each day


Take a proactive approach to nutrition and hydration by eating whole foods and drinking plenty of water. Call your advice nurse and lactation consultant when necessary, and ask for help from family and friends. Be aware of your changing body and emotional health. Use your Challenge Sheet to prioritize important actions.


“It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every day, that’s when transformation begins.” Jillian Michaels


4: Back-to-Work

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“Nothing I ever do professionally will be more important than the job I have raising a human being.” @WeLeanOUT


Returning to work or transitioning to stay-at-home parenting is a personal choice that requires planning. Research, plan, and budget for what is right for your family. Be aware that there are potential options to extend your maternity or paternity leave. Explore a schedule where you can work from home part of the week.


Common childcare options:

  • Daycare center

  • Childcare in a home

  • A nanny that comes to your home of you share with another family

  • Family member


If planning to continue breastfeeding:

  • Review your company’s breastfeeding policy

  • Get the breast pump and milk storage supplies you need

  • Begin practicing with a breast pump before returning to work


Take a proactive approach to returning to work by researching the family leave and breastfeeding options provided by your company. Plan your actions for returning to work, childcare, and pumping while away from your baby. Call your advice nurse and lactation consultant when necessary, and ask for help from family and friends. Be aware of your changing body and emotional health. Use your Challenge Sheet to prioritize important actions.


“Welcome to the working moms club. And tears are perfectly OK.” Isabelle Roughol




You have made a conscious choice to manage your health and that of your newborn while adjusting to your growing family. You’ve managed the discomforts after delivery, scheduled and kept your medical and well-baby appointments, and asked for medical and family support when needed. You’ve made healthy lifestyle choices that benefit you and your baby. You are learning to manage stress and make time for other key relationships while juggling the demands of a newborn. You are supporting your recovery and the nourishment of your baby through healthy food and beverage choices. You have made childcare decisions and developed a plan to transition back to work if applicable. We hope that you have learned from the Virtual Exhibit, read the articles and watched the videos from the employee well-being portal, and found ways to improve your lifestyle and environment postpartum. Keep up the momentum by continuing to use the Challenge Sheet throughout your postpartum period.

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“Babies are always more trouble than you thought – and more wonderful.”

Charles Osgood 

Click here to access and print the Thrive Postpartum Challenge.

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