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Travel Well Challenge Support

Click here to access and print the 4-week Travel Well Challenge

​Travel is an integral part of life for both work and pleasure. Travel takes us out of our normal routine and away from the comforts of home. Incorporating wellness practices when traveling is key to enjoying the many benefits of travel.

  1. Travel is exciting.                                              

  2. It’s possible to eat healthy when traveling.  

  3. You can avoid dehydration by drinking lots of water when traveling.

  4. You can moderate consumption of coffee and alcohol to enjoy your travels.      

  5. You can find time to incorporate exercise when on the road.            

  6. Advanced planning can make travel less stressful.                                 

  7. Adequate sleep is in reach when traveling.                    

  8. A routine can be maintained when away from home.                            

  9. Planning ahead leads to healthier travel.           


It is key to prioritize taking care of yourself when traveling. The Travel Well Challenge will help you focus on ways to optimize your personal health when on the go.

During the Challenge you will access resources from the employee well-being portal in the Wellness Initiatives 

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Week 1: Consume Well When Traveling


“Not all those who wander are lost.” J.R.R. Tolkein

Healthy Foods and Beverages When Traveling

Traveling takes you out of your regular eating routine. Most of your meals come from restaurants, hotels, and events. Sugar-sweetened beverages and alcohol are readily available to drink. Sticking to healthy eating habits is essential to managing your personal health when traveling.

Tips to plan for healthy meals, snacks, and beverages:

  • Pack healthy snacks and meals for your travel time — for the car, train, bus, or airplane.

  • Become familiar with the local cuisine, dining options, and grocery stores so you can make healthy food choices.

  • Take along a reusable water bottle and plan to refill it regularly.

  • Order flat or sparkling water with lemon instead of sugar-sweetened beverages.

  • Choose unsweetened caffeinated beverages for an energy boost.

  • Moderate your alcohol consumption.

  • Enjoy the local cuisine without overeating by ordering small-plate dishes and sharing desserts.

Traveling Well means planning ahead. You can break this down into meaningful and achievable actions by preparing ahead of time to healthy meals, snacks, and beverages, incorporate physical activity, manage stress, and sleep well when on the road. Use your Challenge Sheet to record your efforts in these areas to Travel Well.

“Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Benjamin Franklin


Week 2: Move More When Traveling


“Movement is a natural anti-depressant.” Anonymous

Learn to Move More during your travel time and at your destination


  • Plan for a 15-minute walk for every 2 hours of driving — get out and take a quick walk, stretch.

  • At the airport, take a walk instead of sitting or standing at the gate.

  • Stay active on the plane by stretching in your seat and walking the aisle and do light stretching every hour.

  • Plan to stay at fitness friendly hotels and make time to fit a variety of exercise into your travel routine.

  • Look up walking, running, site-seeing routes on your Smartphone.

  • Walk to meetings, sites, and restaurants to add to your daily step count.

  • Plan for an “active vacation” that includes walking, hiking, biking, and seasonal activities.


Traveling Well means planning ahead. You can break this down into meaningful and achievable actions by preparing ahead of time to healthy meals, snacks, and beverages, incorporate physical activity, manage stress, and sleep well when on the road. Use your Challenge Sheet to record your efforts in these areas to Travel Well.

“It is better to travel well than to arrive.” Buddha


Week 3: Manage Stress When Traveling


“Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey” 

Babs Hoffman

Take initiative to manage your stress when traveling


Even with good planning, travel can be stressful. There are delays and unexpected events. The weather can be uncooperative. Expect annoyances and challenges when traveling so that you are prepared when they arise.


  • Plan a vacation with an itinerary that keeps all travelers in mind.

  • Select convenient flight departure and arrival times.

  • During business travel, plan for mid-day stress breaks and make time to enjoy local attractions.

  • Ensure you get daily physical activity — exercise is a great stress reducer.

  • Make time for daily meditation to help you stay centered and calm.

  • Choose foods and beverages that reduce stress.


Traveling Well means planning ahead. You can break this down into meaningful and achievable actions by preparing ahead of time to healthy meals, snacks, and beverages, incorporate physical activity, manage stress, and sleep well when on the road. Use your Challenge Sheet to record your efforts in these areas to Travel Well.

“Don’t worry about the world ending today, it’s already tomorrow in Australia.” Anonymous


Week 4: Sleep Well When Traveling


“Believe it or not, you are your own sleep boss.” Charles M. Schulz

Incorporate these tips to improve your sleep and manage jet lag when traveling


When traveling getting a good night’s rest helps you enjoy your vacation and function well when on a business trip.


  • Minimize jet lag by experimenting with some techniques that help with time zone adjustment.

  • Travel with earplugs and a mask.

  • Avoid caffeine late in the day and naps after 3:00 pm local time.

  • Avoid large meals late at night.

  • Set a regular bedtime for your trip and follow bedtime routines you do at home.

  • Turn off all screens 30 minutes before bed.


Traveling Well means planning ahead. You can break this down into meaningful and achievable actions by preparing ahead of time to consume healthy meals, snacks, and beverages, incorporate physical activity, manage stress, and sleep well when on the road. Use your Challenge Sheet to record your efforts in these areas to Travel Well.

“I want to sleep but my brain won’t quit talking to itself.” Anonymous




You have discovered new ways to add Travel Well. You’ve learned to plan ahead to consume healthy snacks, meals, and beverages, reviewed resources at your destination to add activity into your day, learned techniques to reduce the stress of travel, and incorporated new ways to sleep better when on the road. We hope that you have learned from the Virtual Exhibit, examined your habits, read the articles and watched videos from the employee well-being portal, and found ways to Travel Well. For each trip you take continue to use the Challenge Sheet to make your new habits part of your travel routine. We wish you safe, healthy, and fun travels!


“Jobs fill your pocket, but adventures fill your soul.” Jamie Lyn Beatty

Click here to access and print the 4-week Travel Well Challenge.

 Copyright © 2023 ConnectWell - Integrating Wellness into Life®

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