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Wellness During Pregnancy,
Second Trimester Challenge Support

Click here to access and print the Wellness During Pregnancy,

Second Trimester Challenge

During the Challenge you will access resources from the employee well-being portal in the Wellness Initiatives 

You are continuing the journey towards becoming parents. The decisions you make as you grow your family reflect who you are and who you want to be. During your second trimester, you will continue to focus on health and giving your child the best possible start in life. You will begin thinking about childbirth and having a new baby in your home.

Second Trimester, Wellness During Pregnancy Supports:

  • Healthy lifestyle habits around tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, substances, physical activity, sleep, and stress

  • Optimizing nutritional practices and weight gain including foods, beverages, and supplements

  • Proactive management of your health and medical conditions

  • Avoiding environmental exposures to toxins and chemicals


During this challenge you will focus on the 4 areas of Lifestyle, Nutrition, Medical, and Environmental at the same time. The Challenge Support material offers an in-depth focus on one of these topics at a time.

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1: Lifestyle 


“Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be.”

Carrie Fisher

The second trimester can be the “sweet spot” of pregnancy. If you experienced nausea in the first trimester, it often subsides in the second trimester. Your pregnancy is beginning to show and your energy level may improve.

During your entire pregnancy refrain from tobacco, marijuana, alcohol and recreational drugs. Moderate your caffeine intake.


The second trimester is a good time to:


  • Stay physically active and incorporate stretching and balance exercises

  • Modify activities as your center of body changes

  • Pick clothes that give you breathing room and wear comfortable shoes

  • Be mindful to limit large meals and spicy foods that may cause indigestion

  • Sleep on your side — a body pillow can help

  • Plan activities with your partner like shopping for the nursery

  • 15 minutes of “Time-for-Me” daily can help you reduce stress, reconnect, and recharge

  • Keep a “gratitude” journal of the day-to-changes in your body

  • Research your employer’s family leave policy


Continue improving your lifestyle habits that optimize your pregnancy and the health of your baby. Take action now and incorporate into daily living. Use your Challenge Sheet to track your progress throughout your second trimester.

“Not every day of pregnancy is easy, but every day brings me closer to you.”


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2: Nutrition


“Every time you eat is a time to nourish your body and your baby.”  


In general, you will need an additional 300-400 calories per day in the second and third trimesters. For a twin pregnancy you will need an extra 300 calories per day per baby, 600 total. Weight gain varies for each woman. Average weight gain in the second trimester is 1 pound a week. For multiple pregnancies expect to gain more weight.

Balance Well

  • Ensure that your baby gets a wide range of nutrients by eating from all of the food groups: protein, fruits and vegetables, whole grains

Hydrate Well

  • Hydrate primarily with water and minimize sugar-sweetened beverages and juice

  • Enjoy hot water with ginger

  • Limit caffeine consumption to 200 mg per day, or 12 ounces of brewed coffee

Choose Well

  • Choose whole foods and minimized processed foods

  • Limit foods with added sugars and salt

  • Cook often and when eating out make healthy choices

Portion Well

  • Eat regular meals and snacks throughout the day and at a slow pace.

Vitamins and Supplements

  • Take a high-quality prenatal vitamin that includes 600 mcg of folic acid, 300 mg of DHA, and 450 mg of choline.

  • Aim for 1000 mg of calcium daily through foods or take a supplement

Continue improving your food and beverage habits that optimize your pregnancy and the health of your baby. Take action now and incorporate into daily living. Use your Challenge Sheet to track your progress throughout your second trimester.

“It’s the great thing about being pregnant. You don’t need excuses to pee or eat.” Angelina Jolie

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3: Medical


“Medical care during pregnancy is never a selfish act — it is simply good stewardship of my body for the development of yours.” Anonymous

Most women have a prenatal visit each month during the second trimester. If you have a chronic condition such as diabetes or high blood pressure, you may be seen more frequently.


Second trimester prenatal visits include:

  • Weight and blood pressure monitoring

  • Urine sample to test for gestational diabetes

  • Measurement of your belly to track the baby’s growth

  • Ultrasound is often done between 16-20 weeks of pregnancy

  • Screening tests or prenatal diagnostic tests may be advised in the second trimester

  • Review symptoms of preterm labor


Experiencing your baby’s movements: You may begin to feel a “flutter” as early as 13-15 weeks. Most new moms may not feel movement until 18-20 weeks.


Childbirth classes, facility tour, sibling preparation: Schedule childbirth classes for you and your partner to take place between 28-32 weeks. Schedule a facility tour where you plan to give birth. Schedule a sibling preparation class for your older children.

Continue with a proactive approach to medical care while pregnant. Schedule your medical visits, get involved in your care, prepare questions for your medical visits, and be aware of your changing body. Take action now and incorporate into daily living. Use your Challenge Sheet to track your progress throughout your second trimester.

“A new mother’s joy begins when new life is stirring inside… when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.” Anonymous

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4: Environmental


“Let’s clean up our environment. Let’s clean up our bodies, but most importantly, let’s not permit our babies of the future to be polluted before they are even born.” Louise Slaughter

Continue to avoid environmental toxins and chemicals in your home and all of your environments — work, yard, car or other transportation.


Focus on healthy foods and food preparation methods:

  • To avoid pesticides, choose organic product for the “Dirty Dozen”

  • Choose fish without mercury

  • Avoid heating food in plastic containers or wrap

  • Allow others to clean out the cat litter

  • Avoid Teflon coatings and imported ceramics for cooking

  • Drink filtered water

  • Choose personal care products without phthalates

Continue taking an honest inventory of your exposure to harmful chemicals and toxins. Improve your environment to optimize your pregnancy and the health of your baby. Take action now and incorporate into daily living. Use your Challenge Sheet to track your progress throughout your second trimester.

“Cleaning and maintaining a healthy environment is a practice, not a project.”  Anonymous

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You have made a conscious choice to manage your health and well-being in mid pregnancy. It’s one of the most important decisions you can make as future parents. You are continuing to improve your lifestyle habits, nutritional practices including foods, beverages, and supplements and incorporated more healthy habits into daily living. You’ve taken a proactive approach to your prenatal medical care and reviewed your environments to minimize exposure to environmental toxins and chemicals. We hope that you have learned from the Virtual Exhibit, read the articles, and watched the videos from the employee well-being portal, and found ways to improve your lifestyle and environment in your second trimester. Keep up the momentum by continuing to use the Challenge Sheet throughout your second trimester of pregnancy.


“Cleaning and maintaining a healthy environment is a practice, not a project." Anonymous

Click here to access and print the Wellness During Pregnancy,

Second Trimester Challenge

 Copyright © 2023 ConnectWell - Integrating Wellness into Life®

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